Wednesday 24 April 2019

AALAWuN - piNk&yeLLow&WikiLeaks

see it say it sort it 

*text transcribed by eddie farrell from the back of a toilet door somewhere within the invisible university – october 2018

A person in a high-vis jacket with the word security across the back stands guarding the gangway to the ark.

The person is there due to their own insecurity; having fallen through the disintegrating security net they became destitute and took any work available in order to survive.

Their job as a security agent offers little in terms of their own personal security. The job entails keeping the likes of you and me away from the security and shelter of the ark.

Although a considerate person the job requires them to use force, especially at times when we got too close to the ark.

Then comes the rain:

our panic and their violence increase as levels rise. The gangplank is pulled up leaving the security agent, you and me outside together.

Secure in our fate.