Wednesday 21 July 2021

AALAWuN rehearsedAGM17.07.2021



with thanks to Lucy Moroney, Luisa Pires, Rajwant Kaur Singh, Leszek Skrzypiec, Tamir Cohen Aharoni


Poor old George , lets hope there is a Teddy Heaven ... have you designed a tomb for him ? 

In a 1910 essay, Architecture, Loos wrote that "...only a very small part of architecture belongs to the realm of art: The tomb and the monument"... but Pallidio said that about 5oo years earlier ,   A Teddy monument  ? ...attached some teddies relaxing in Hackney ..... David Greene

I think his eulogy would read something like:

George has been beloved and carefully handled during his time....... Maybe his new configuration will open up a new london garden adventure.  I don't think he's quite ready for the tomb though. - Lucy Moroney



Tuesday 20 July 2021

AALAWuN smokeLess AAmothership



(A 1-minute audio postcard) 

audio: Tamir Cohen Aharoni - "A 1-minute audio postcard in how i stopped smoking. I hope you enjoy it. Tamir"

 film: "no one is sure of the authorship of the 'Killing Machine".. .. perhaps all one cojld say .. "Killing Machine " Oxford Brookes Architecture Dept' author unknown"

Wednesday 14 July 2021

AALAWuN rioRwindow



Casa Das Canoas - will go 
Museo do Amanha - will go 
Modern Art Museum gardens - will go 
Ministry of Health and Education - Capanema will try to go 
Mendes de Moraes - Pedregulho - will try to go 


Wednesday 7 July 2021

AALAWuN agm No.07 - 03.07.2021


AALAWuN agm No.07 [layers]  

Many thanks Luisa Pires, Raha Farazmand, Kiril Kuzmanov


Sunday 27 June 2021

AALAWuN address to an empty BuILDING AAmothership


address to an empty BuILDING 


with thanks to Rozhana Azra (eye in the sky), Zhou Chen (Spike), Luisa Pires, Leo Sun, Sally Stott, Cong Ding, Ebere Nwosu, Syed Waji, Daniel Koruma, Alex Nikolov, Boris Nikolov, Theo Spyropoulos,Selina Zhang, Hari Saminathan Simone Piccoli.....


Tuesday 22 June 2021

AALAWuN search the Birch AAmothership


Leszek's Birch Water  

with thanks to Leslaw Skrzypiec, Mariusz Stawiarski, Gregory Korcel, Syed Waji, Quiddale O'sullivan and Kluseczka (19 year old dog)


I'm glad that you like video instruction of tapping birch tree.

 I drunk so much of that sap over Easter 

that it feels like my whole body is cleansed and my soul is pure again."



Tuesday 1 June 2021

AALAWuN PRoPoSE AAmothership



with thanks to Zhuo Chen, Cong Ding Leszek Skrzypiec, Selina Zhang, Hariharasudhan Saminathan, Sophie Leigh, Luisa Pires 



AALAWuN responds to anything that is put in front of it .

Probing and asking questions in an informal ongoing context

Augmenting unassessed student driven projects .

As a response to the current conditions of the AA ,a globally dispersed  community, AALAWuN sees the silent buildings in the square as a mothership , and has a weekly blog  documenting  constructed situations in the square informed by transmissions to  the mother ship in the form of 2min. audio postcards from members of the absent crew .



This large poster expresses the open ended  working method of LAWuN , it is not a collage , more of an evolving ,unfolding accumulation by different  people at different times that is definitively neither complete or incomplete , at this point  it is also a proposition to ask what future do you want for the AA  and to consider it as a design project  in which managerial protocols serve the  ideas , concepts for a new AA  ?

The many synonyms for the word proposition  describe the design process, theory , idea , premise, postulation , concept

This poster is  a landscape in a state of continuous erosion and additions , nevertheless it is essentially a proposition , for an evolving year’s work whose subject is the AA  ..
